Friday, March 5, 2010

Who ya gonna call? GEESE POLICE!

In the corporate world of suburbia we have lots of ponds and geese. I don't know why, but these stupid birds never leave and during the spring/summer months they become a real nuisance.

Most of my beef with these birds lies in the fact that they stand in the middle of the road and won't move for minutes at a time, even when you honk the horn and yell at them. It's illegal to hit them with your car and they are big enough they can scare you into submission. My secondary beef with them is that they poop in the parking lot and right in front of the door entrances to my building. There have been many mornings when I'm late for work and they or their green poop is in my way.

However, I have a co-worker that had a run in with one last year and apparently they are also a very aggressive fowl so she has this comical (but probably legitimate) fear of them. It's running joke in the office.

Guess what someone saw in the parking garage today. A truck with a canoe strapped to the top of it and the words Geese Police painted on the side of the truck. That's right. I think these birds have pissed off the wrong people and now they are going to pay.

I will now spend the rest of the day looking out my window trying to see what the Kansas City Deputy Dogs do.

If any of you out there are looking for a new career, I suggest looking into a franchise, many corporate office parks could use the services I'm sure. And as an added bonus you can have this slogan painted on your vehicle, "Call us to get the FLOCK OUT!!"

**UPDATE** It's like a geese ghost town outside now. I didn't see any of the action go down, but there are no geese to be found anywhere outside. The Geese Police don't mess around. Stay on the straight and narrow, birds.

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