Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The great escape: Day 1

I'm starting to recover from my "great escape" to Colorado that was filled to the brim with awesome friends and a level of maturity I have never experienced with this group of friends. I must say, I did a pretty awesome job taking pictures of most of our excursions so that I could share it all with you faithful 14. And since a couple of the days were so jam packed, I'm going to break them down by days to give them their full credit.

Of course, whenever I travel by myself and have plans to arrive at an airport at the same time as anyone flying in from a different location it never works (I've done this one other time so it's probably not really that dramatic, but work with me here). As fate would have it though, when I was boarding my delayed flight, the pilot said we would land in Denver at 1:20 pm the same time Becca's flight was suppose to get in. The first challenge of the escape was thrown down. First to land in Denver wins. Point, Becca. Her flight landed at 1:17 pm and mine lined at 1:23 pm.

After dropping our gear off at Gleason's home we went for a walk around the neighborhood and explored some shops on Pearl Street.

I found this awesome rat hand puppet that I wanted to buy for Becca, but I could only get Gleason to agree with me that it was a must have.

Even after I put on a skit with a camel puppet to demonstrate the rats value. I think I'm losing my touch.

We then ate some ice cream or gelato, not really sure of the difference there, pizza, salad, breadsticks and washed it down with some Jersey Shore, while Gleason did some learning.

Speaking of Gleason leaving us to go learn, she did. We were left to defend ourselves against her and Gabe's dog, Jack. Jack is actually a pretty cute dog, but as Gabe put it, he has a "special" disposition. We were suppose to leave him outside when her and Gabe weren't around, but Becca just had to check on him and he let himself back in the house. He was actually really good and just went and sat in his corner and stared at us. But it turns out he's sort of territorial over the bathroom so every time one of us would stand up he would get up and run to the bathroom door and guard it. It's funny until you're about to pee your pants. Then your just left laughing on the couch about how you're going to be Gleason's second friend he has forced to pee outdoors. (Yes, you read that right, SECOND friend, it's already happen once). Luckily, Becca has a dog with a similar disposition and found the dog biscuits to trick him into going back outside.

We ended the night by discovering this awesome leaf bug on her front door. Her front yard is infiltrated with crazy grasshoppers and now, I'm pretty sure leaf bugs as well.

Up next...The day I earned my wilderness badge.

1 comment:

  1. ha! yes! this was just like reliving the whole day! I can't wait for the follow ups :)
