Thursday, October 6, 2011

Olive you: Round 1

Back in August I did a post on goals. Now, while I fully intended for that post to be born and die on the same night, some people got excited about my goals and requested follow up.

Luckily for y'alls. I'm in an accommodating mood.

Goal: Make one of the delicious dishes I have tagged from the Olive cookbook Becca bought me.

Target: Pasta with mushrooms and olives

Preliminary hypothesis: This could either go really good or really bad based on the fact that I picked a recipe that didn't have a reference photo of the finished product and there is a discrepancy on the page. In the description it says, "In this heavenly dish, the fresh mushrooms provide a sweet, earthy taste which contrasts strikingly with the tartness of the green olives." but, the recipe calls for black olives instead of green.

I chose to power through based on the ingredient list. I mean, what's not to like?

Olive oil: great cartoon character
Coarse salt: good
Noodles (fusilli): good
Fresh mushrooms: good
Garlic: good in moderation
White wine: hella good
Black olives: good (but maybe they should be green)
Salt & Pepper: good seasoning combo and pretty good '90s rap duo
Butter: good
Grated Parmesan cheese: good

Abbreviated Steps:

Boil water, make pasta, test a few pieces without burning yourself, drain and sit aside.

Open wine and pour yourself a glass.

"Coarsely chop" mushrooms (whatever that means.)

In a skillet heat mushrooms, oil and garlic for 5 minutes.

Add wine, cook for 5 minutes.

Add olives, salt and pepper. Cook for another 5 minutes.

Add the butter and cook while stirring until the butter melts.

Fall into a trans as you watch a giant stick of butter melt.

Pour the sauce over the noodles, mix and top with cheese.


Final verdict? Good, but better on the second day. I think I'm going to have to try it with green olives and maybe a little chicken too next time. The recipe was super easy to follow so I really love that too.

Stay tuned as I'll attempt another recipe from this cookbook in the next umm....3ish months!

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