Monday, August 1, 2011

Josie's on a vacation far away - Day 6

Day 6: A picture of something that makes you happy

People say it's the little things in life that mean the most. I suppose that's not true for all people, especially if you're referring to diamond rings or raises, but for me it definitely is. I get excited about the goofiest and smallest things.

For all the TMI and annoying things facebook and other social networking sites bring directly into our computer screens and mobile phones in an instant, they also make the art of sending a quick, "I'm thinking of you" note as easy as it could possibly be.

For instance, take today, I got the below message from my friend Kara.

This is a three-pronged happy feeling photo:
  1. It's nice to know when people are thinking about me. It feeds my already blossoming ego.
  2. I have officially played a fairly "sizable" role in her four-year old son, Max's life. I put The Outfield's "Your Love" on a mixed cd I sent her and as you can see, Max can accurately identify this song in public and LIKES it. Seriously amazing. I also really can't wait until the day I get to hear Max sing the line, "You know I like my girls a little bit older."
  3. I'm synonymous with The Golden Girls. Who doesn't want that!??!
So there you go. An email, text, facebook message, blog comment, signing telegram, hand-written note or phone call goes a long ways in making me smile and brightening my day.

Brighten someone's day this week!

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